
Stavros Tsioulis

I am a full-stack developer with 4 years of experience, specialized in the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem, as well as technologies like React, Vue, Angular, Astro, Express, Ts.ED, NestJS. Isn't the picture below cool? I shot it.


Skills & Knowledge

Languages JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C, C++, Rust
Languages (human ones) Greek, English, Japanese (N3)
Frameworks and Libraries (FE) React/Next, Vue/Nuxt, Angular, Astro
Frameworks and Libraries (BE) Express, Ts.ED, NestJS, MySQL, MongoDB, TypeORM
Devops Basic Cloudflare literacy: Pages, Workers, Tunnels. VPS setup; certificate management.


From a young age my interests revolved around mathematics, computers, cars, music and Japanese culture.

I decided to study the science of mathematics and taught myself programming along the way. I believe in the well-known phrase “the work you do in your spare time is the work you should do all your life.” I’ve been building web applications since 2020, and started my professional career in February 2023.

  • NamiComi
    March 2023 - Present

    Lead Frontend Developer

    • namicomi-sample-0
    • namicomi-sample-1
    • namicomi-sample-2
    • namicomi-sample-3

    The global ecosystem for comic fans and creators

    With NamiComi, our vision is to be the global ecosystem for creators and fans of comics and manga. Creators can publish their titles in any language to a worldwide audience, fans can support creators, and fans can interact with each other and creators through an integrated social media and direct messaging system.

    Tech stack

    TypeScript, Vue, Nuxt, Tailwind, FCM, Twilio, ECharts, Swiper.


    • Responsive design. The website was made with close attention to its comfortable use on both desktop and mobile devices;
    • SEO best practices. As a content-rich platform, NamiComi needs much more than a simple sitemap to work well with SEO. We utilized multiple, dynamically-generated sitemaps in order to actively inform search engines of newly-created pages as more creators publish their work on our platform;
    • Internationalization. The website is accessible in many languages through a locale parameter (e.g. /en). Additionally, there are automatic redirects to the most appropriate locale parameter which adhere to the user’s language preferences of their browser;
    • Comic reading. Content consumption is the platform’s main attraction. Given the platform’s goal to deliver high quality images, handle every comic format, and allow the user to customize their reading experience as they desire, we went through plenty of challenges during the development of a fast and feature-rich reader. We managed to make a state-of-the-art reader that worked smoothly and satisfyingly in every device. Using swiper, mobile readers enjoy a near-native reading experience that’s about as buttery-smooth as their device’s refresh rate allows, while desktop readers benefit from keyboard hotkeys to navigate throughout the chapters. The reader is completely customizable, from reading mode to image width. Such settings are saved on the cloud on each user’s account. Because we know people may read on different devices occasionally, we developed separate, customizable reader profiles that apply conditionally depending on the screen resolution. This way, users can have their own “mobile” preset, without affecting the “desktop” one. Users can also zoom in on images in case something’s too small to read with just a double tap, or the scroll wheel for desktop ones (oh, and they can customize whether the scroll wheel turns pages, zooms in on the current image, or do nothing at all!). Embedded comments in the reader reduce the friction for user engagement to zero. There’s so much more under the hood but this bullet point’s already gotten too long;
    • OAuth: The platform was build from the get-go with robust security practices. Since day 1, logging in on the platform was achieved with OAuth authorization;
    • RESTful API interaction: Given the large volume of data and relationships of content with other content, the platform was designed around a RESTful API. To help maintainability and portability, we developed a fully-fledged and consumer-agnostic API wrapper;
    • Displaying WordPress articles: The platform also has a section for various news related primarily to Asian comics and shows. That content is hosted on WordPress, and we interact with its API to fetch the HTML content, sanitize it, and display it on our app to ensure it stylistically matches the rest of the site;
    • Notifications: The platform provides notifications for certain events, such as when a user receives a reply to their comment, if it is reacted to, or if a new chapter is uploaded on a series they follow. Using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), the website provides real-time notifications of said events, alongside a backlog of notifications they missed;
    • Social media: The platform’s ambition as the global ecosystem of comic fans and creators engendered the creation of a completely integrated social media system. The implementation of an infinite (virtual) scroller was paramount as a core component to such a feature, and as a result, we discovered challenges and the solutions big social companies have been exercizing for their own services;
    • Payments: As one of the methods of monetization within the platform, monthly subscriptions to creators were made possible thanks to Stripe, but we’ve also kept internal support for an arbitrary amount of payment processors;
    • Studio and Admin: The platform welcomes readers and creators alike. Creators need a place to manage their content. We have built a dynamic studio dashboard where every creator can manage their comics, chapters, subscriptions, as well as view data about their content. We integrated echarts to display and organize analytical data;
    • BONUS: Time picker: To allow creators to schedule their content for publishing on a later date, we built a scheduling mechanism. For the time picker specifically, I used trigonometric functions (sine and cosine) to calculate the numbers’ positions on a round clock. I use this example to boast to my friends that math does have real-world applications :);
    • Direct messaging: The platform supports WhatsApp-style direct messaging between users, organizations, as well as group chats comprising of both. That service is powered by Twilio. As a first experience it was tricky to bridge an event-based interface with a reactive framework, but still nothing we didn’t manage to solve.
  • Provollee
    February 2023 - March 2023

    Website Developer

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    A Creative Agency’s landing page

    The Provollee team had just put themselves into the web and e-shop building scene, and needed a simple and direct landing page. The site is no longer accessible, however, as the owners have changed their focus to other markets.

    Tech stack

    React, Tailwind, Framer Motion.

    Skills nurtured

    • First professional experience using React and Tailwind;
    • Framer Motion: Animation orchetration for the Hero content;
    • Devops: The website was hosted manually on a dedicated server. I managed certificates using letsencrypt, and configured a reverse proxy using HAProxy to inject the certificate to the response headers, and then worked with Cloudflare Tunnels to proxy traffic securely to the server.